Consumer Electronics
An AI companion arrives on the GrandPad
Thursday, March 27, 2025
Techstination, your destination for gadgets and gear. I’m Fred Fishkin. An AI companion comes to the GrandPad. The tablet designed for older adults, helping them stay connected with family and friends through games and video chat now has a feature called Grandie Chat. When opened…it greets you...
GrandPad, tablet for older adults, AI for older adults, Grandie Chat, Grandie Games, Techstination, Scott Lien, Fred Fishkin
Latest Zenbook Duo from Asus offers versatility and power
Monday, March 24, 2025
Techstination, your destination for gadgets and gear. I’m Fred Fishkin. If you like versatility and power in a laptop computer, the latest, Zenbook Duo from Asus will give you lots to cheer about. The dual OLED screens can be used horizontally or vertically….or you can opt for a single screen with...
Asus, Zenbook Duo, Dual screen laptop, Techstination, Fred Fishkin, gadgets, tech, Eric Krondak, computers, gadgets, tech, gear
Pila Energy creating Mesh Home Battery system
Thursday, March 20, 2025
Techstination, your destination for gadgets and gear. I’m Fred Fishkin. Pila Energy is a company taking a different type of approach to home power back up with a Mesh Battery System that is an easy plug in solution to deliver backup power where needed in the home. Formerly with Tesla Powerwall and...
Pila Energy, Pila Mesh Home Battery, DIY home battery back up, Techstination, Cole Ashman, Fred Fishkin, gadgets, tech, gear
Envision brings new AI tool Ally to vision assistance (Tuesday, March 18, 2025)
Envision, Ally, for, Electronics, assistance, brings, impaired, Consumer, General Technology News, Technology, News, tech, new, AI, Fred, Techstination, Envision brings new AI tool Ally to vision assistance, tool, Consumer Electronics, vision, Glasses, General, to, Fishkin, gadgets, gear
Reolink out with Wireless Security System bundles for convenience & peace of mind (Monday, March 17, 2025)
Wireless, PT, for, Electronics, Reolink out with Wireless Security System bundles for convenience & peace of mind, convenience, Security, System, out, Reolink, security, Consumer, of, camera, tech, mind, Atlas, &, Fred, Techstination, Ultra, Consumer Electronics, with, bundles, peace, Fishkin, gadgets, gear
Keocam wearable "dashcam" for personal security (Friday, March 14, 2025)
tech, wearable, Keocam wearable "dashcam" for personal security, Keocam, dashcam, for, Electronics, "dashcam", personal, Techstination, body, cam, Consumer Electronics, Brian, security, Consumer, Gadgets, Pemberton, gadgets, gear
OnCore Golf readies the Genius Ball with a brain (Thursday, March 13, 2025)
Ball, Bret, OnCore, balls, Electronics, ball, golf, high, Consumer, Gadgets, tech, a, Golf, OnCore Golf readies the Genius Ball with a brain, readies, Fred, Techstination, brain, the, Consumer Electronics, with, Blakely, Genius, Fishkin, gadgets, gear
Lutron out with DIY Caseta Smart Shades (Wednesday, March 12, 2025)
tech, Electronics, Fred, Techstination, Smart, out, Shades, Consumer Electronics, Lutron, with, Consumer, DIY, Caseta, Lutron out with DIY Caseta Smart Shades, Home, Fishkin, gadgets
Klydoclock blends digital art and animations with mantel clock (Friday, March 07, 2025)
digital, tech, art, Electronics, Fred, mantel, clock, Techstination, Dave, Consumer Electronics, with, Consumer, and, animations, Ben-Yshai, Klydoclock, Klydoclock blends digital art and animations with mantel clock, blends, Fishkin, gadgets, gear
Lymow One robotic lawn mower designed for steeper terrain and more (Thursday, March 06, 2025)
tech, steeper, more, One, for, Electronics, Fred, Techstination, robotic, Lymow, robot, Consumer Electronics, Consumer, mower, and, Fishkini, Lymow One robotic lawn mower designed for steeper terrain and more, designed, terrain, lawn, gadgets, gear
Here comes Alexa Plus from Amazon (Wednesday, March 05, 2025)
tech, Alexa, comes, AI, Electronics, Fred, Techstination, Here comes Alexa Plus from Amazon, Consumer Electronics, Here, Consumer, from, Plus, Amazon, Online, Fishkin, gadgets, gear
SteelSeries brings impressive sound and style to gamers (Friday, February 28, 2025)
headphones, sound, Electronics, SteelSeries, Arctis, brings, Consumer, and, Video Games, tech, gaming, earbuds, impressive, Nova, Techstination, Consumer Electronics, Video, Games, 7P, SteelSeries brings impressive sound and style to gamers, style, to, gamers, gadgets, gear
Brava smart oven delivers more safety and ease for older users (Wednesday, February 26, 2025)
ease, Brava smart oven delivers more safety and ease for older users, for, Electronics, Brava, smart, Consumer, Oven, safety, and, older, tech, oven, more, Fred, Techstination, Smart, users, Consumer Electronics, Selmon, delivers, Zac, Fishkin, gadgets, gear
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Building a better electric cooler- EverFrost 2 from Anker Solix (Thursday, March 27, 2025)
Building, tech, a, Emeline, electric, Electronics, Building a better electric cooler- EverFrost 2 from Anker Solix, Fred, Techstination, Bonnefoy, EverFrost, Anker, better, Consumer Electronics, 2, Consumer, cooler-, cooler, from, Solix, Fishkin, gadgets, gear
Sparq offers free AI tool to diagnose your car (Wednesday, March 26, 2025)
offers, tech, Sparq, AI, mechanic, Electronics, diagnosis, Fred, your, Techstination, tool, Consumer Electronics, Sparq offers free AI tool to diagnose your car, Consumer, car, Gadgets, diagnose, to, free, Fishkin, gadgets, gear
OWC innovates with Thunderbolt 5 and more (Tuesday, March 25, 2025)
, Computers, Electronics, Digital, World, Computing, O'Connor, Consumer, and, Digital Photography, Larry, OWC, OWC innovates with Thunderbolt 5 and more, computers, tech, SSD, more, innovates, Fred, Techstination, Consumer Electronics, Photography, with, 5, Thunderbolt, Fishkin, gadgets, Other, gear
Techstination AI generated weekly wrap up with Notebook LM for March 22 (Saturday, March 22, 2025)
22, summary, LM, Google, Notebook, Techstination AI generated weekly wrap up with Notebook LM for March 22, AI, for, Electronics, March, Fred, Techstination, weekly, Consumer Electronics, with, Consumer, generated, podcast, up, Online, wrap, Fishkin
Deep Dive Techstination Weekly Wrap Up for 03_13_25 with Notebook LM (Friday, March 14, 2025)
LM, Wrap, for, Electronics, Consumer, General Technology News, Weekly, Technology, podcast, News, summary, Google, Notebook, AI, Fred, Techstination, Deep, Consumer Electronics, with, Deep Dive Techstination Weekly Wrap Up for 03_13_25 with Notebook LM, Dive, 03_13_25, General, Up, Fishkin
GrandPad tablet evolves with AI chat, games & more (Thursday, March 13, 2025)
adults, for, Electronics, Devices, tablet, Consumer, evolves, games, Chat, older, Lien, Grandie, &, more, AI, Fred, Techstination, Mobile, Consumer Electronics, with, chat, Games, Mobile Devices, GrandPad tablet evolves with AI chat, games & more, GrandPad, Fishkin, Scott
Asus Zenbook Duo offers power and amazing versatility (Wednesday, March 12, 2025)
Computers, versatility, Eric, Electronics, screen, laptop, amazing, Consumer, and, power, computers, Asus Zenbook Duo offers power and amazing versatility, Duo, offers, tech, Krondak, Zenbook, Fred, Techstination, Asus, Consumer Electronics, Dual, Fishkin, gadgets, gear
What's unique about Spout countertop water from air system? (Tuesday, March 11, 2025)
Water, system?, Vollmer, about, Electronics, generator, air, What's, atmospheric, Consumer, General Technology News, Technology, News, from, tech, Fred, Techstination, water, Consumer Electronics, unique, Spout, What's unique about Spout countertop water from air system?, countertop, General, Reuben, Fishkin, gadgets, gear
Deep Dive Techstination weekly wrap up AI created by Notebook LM (Saturday, March 08, 2025)
summary, LM, Google, Notebook, created, AI, Electronics, Fred, Techstination, Deep, weekly, Consumer Electronics, Dive, Consumer, General Technology News, Technology, by, podcast, News, General, Deep Dive Techstination weekly wrap up AI created by Notebook LM, up, wrap, Fishkin
Pila Energy unveils plug in Mesh Home Battery (Friday, March 07, 2025)
Electronics, back, battery, Energy, Consumer, General Technology News, Technology, Battery, News, up, Home, tech, in, Cole, Mesh, Fred, Pila, Techstination, home, Consumer Electronics, Pila Energy unveils plug in Mesh Home Battery, unveils, Ashman, DIY, General, plug, Fishkin, gadgets, gear
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