Digital Photography
Thinkware ARC dashcam offers quality and affordability
Friday, February 14, 2025
Techstination, your destination for gadgets and gear. I’m Fred Fishkin. A high quality dash cam that won’t break the bank. The Thinkware ARC is a front and rear camera solution that records in 2K rsolution…giving you sharp video…with automatic exposure adjustments and what Thinkware calls...
Thinkware, dash cams, dash cam, dashcam, Techstination, Fred Fishkin, gadgets, tech, gear
Viltrox delivers quality and affordability in new Air Series lens
Wednesday, January 22, 2025
Techstination, your destination for gadgets and gear. I’m Fred Fishkin. An impressive lens at an affordable price. We’ve been checking out the new Viltrox 35mm F1.7 Air Series Lens on a Sony E mount APSC camera. It weighs in at just six ounces…and produces great results in any light, whether...
Viltrox, Viltrox Air Series Lens, Techstination, Viltrox 35 mm 1.7, Techstination, cameras, photography, gadgets, tech, gear
Unistellar Odyssey Pro can still catch the Tsuchinshan Comet
Wednesday, October 30, 2024
Techstination, your destination for gadgets and gear. I’m Fred Fishkin. The Comet Tsuchinshan Atlas may be beyond the reach of the naked eye now….but is still amazing to see using a telescope. Unistellar’s Odyssey Pro is the telescope of choice here for its ease of use, built in camera and...
Unistellar, smart telescope, Unistellar Odyssey Pro, astrophotography, Franck Marchis, Fred Fishkin, gadgets, tech, gear, Techstination
Hands on with GoPro Hero 13 Black (Tuesday, October 29, 2024)
Hands, tech, 13, Electronics, Digital, Fred, Black, Techstination, cam, Consumer Electronics, Photography, with, Consumer, Digital Photography, Hero, GoPro, action, Hands on with GoPro Hero 13 Black, Fishkin, gadgets, on, gear
A new flagship camera from GoPro...and more (Thursday, September 12, 2024)
A, Electronics, Digital, Black, cam, Consumer, Digital Photography, GoPro, action, from, camera, tech, new, 13, more, flagship, Fred, A new flagship camera from GoPro...and more, Techstination, Consumer Electronics, Photography, GoPro...and, Hero, Fishkin, gadgets, gear
Bird Buddy Smart Hummingbird Feeder takes flight (Tuesday, September 03, 2024)
flight, Zidar, Bird, feeder, Electronics, Digital, Techstination, Smart, Hummingbird, smart, Bird Buddy Smart Hummingbird Feeder takes flight, Consumer Electronics, Photography, Consumer, bird, Digital Photography, Franci, Feeder, takes, camera, Online, Buddy
Summer astrophotography fun with Unistellar Odyssey Pro (Tuesday, July 16, 2024)
Unistellar, astrophotography, binoculars, Franck, Odyssey, Electronics, Summer, Digital, Techstination, Pro, astronomy, smart, Consumer Electronics, Photography, with, Consumer, Marchis, Digital Photography, Summer astrophotography fun with Unistellar Odyssey Pro, telescope, fun
FeatherSnap Scout brings new features to smart bird feeder (Wednesday, July 10, 2024)
tech, new, FeatherSnap, feeder, Electronics, Digital, Fred, Techstination, smart, Consumer Electronics, Photography, features, brings, Consumer, bird, Digital Photography, to, FeatherSnap Scout brings new features to smart bird feeder, Scout, Fishkin, gadgets, gear
Memory Station from Vivid-Pix for Father's Day and more (Thursday, June 13, 2024)
Father's, Memory, for, Electronics, Digital, photos, Voight, Consumer, and, Digital Photography, memories, Rick, from, Memory Station from Vivid-Pix for Father's Day and more, D-Day, tech, more, Fred, Vivid-Pix, Techstination, Station, Consumer Electronics, Photography, preserving, Day, Fishkin, gadgets, gear
For gifting and more- Bird Buddy smart bird feeder fun (Tuesday, May 07, 2024)
Zidar, Bird, feeder, For, Electronics, Digital, Techstination, For gifting and more- Bird Buddy smart bird feeder fun, more-, Smart, Hummingbird, smart, gifting, Consumer Electronics, Photography, Consumer, and, bird, Digital Photography, Franci, Feeder, camera, Buddy, fun
Vivid-Pix out with Memory Station Stories for preserving family histories (Friday, March 29, 2024)
documents, Vivid-Pix out with Memory Station Stories for preserving family histories, Memory, for, Electronics, Digital, photos, Voight, out, Consumer, Digital Photography, scanner, Rick, Stories, tech, histories, Fred, Vivid-Pix, Techstination, Station, Consumer Electronics, Photography, with, preserving, family, Online, Fishkin, gadgets, gear
Panasonic Lumix G9II with Lumix Leica 100-400 amazes (Friday, March 15, 2024)
amazes, Digital, four-thirds, Fred, 100-400, Techstination, Leica, cameras, Photography, with, G9II, micro, Lumix, Panasonic Lumix G9II with Lumix Leica 100-400 amazes, Digital Photography, Panasonic, photography, Fishkin
Kingston Digital delivers speed and capacity with new Canvas React Plus V60 cards (Wednesday, March 13, 2024)
cards, Electronics, Digital, Kingston, speed, capacity, V60, SD, Consumer, and, Digital Photography, Plus, digital, tech, new, Canvas, Techstination, React, Consumer Electronics, Photography, with, delivers, Kingston Digital delivers speed and capacity with new Canvas React Plus V60 cards, photography, gadgets, gear
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OWC innovates with Thunderbolt 5 and more (Tuesday, March 25, 2025)
, Computers, Electronics, Digital, World, Computing, O'Connor, Consumer, and, Digital Photography, Larry, OWC, OWC innovates with Thunderbolt 5 and more, computers, tech, SSD, more, innovates, Fred, Techstination, Consumer Electronics, Photography, with, 5, Thunderbolt, Fishkin, gadgets, Other, gear
Bird Buddy bringing innovation beyond smart bird feeders (Wednesday, March 05, 2025)
Bird Buddy bringing innovation beyond smart bird feeders, Zidar, Bird, Electronics, Digital, beyond, smart, Consumer, bird, Digital Photography, Franci, feeders, camera, innovation, tech, nature, Fred, Techstination, Consumer Electronics, Photography, bringing, garden, Petal, Buddy, Fishkin, gadgets, gear
For comet viewing and more Unistellar brings ease and enjoyment to astronomy (Thursday, October 17, 2024)
ease, Unistellar, Digital, Pro, viewing, smart, brings, and, comet, Digital Photography, tech, For comet viewing and more Unistellar brings ease and enjoyment to astronomy, more, astrophotography, Franck, For, Odyssey, Fred, Techstination, astronomy, Photography, enjoyment, Marchis, to, telescope, Fishkin, gadgets, gear
CyberLink brings more AI tools to video and photo creators (Tuesday, October 01, 2024)
tech, more, creators, AI, photo, Digital, Fred, video, Techstination, CyberLink, tools, editing, Photography, brings, CyberLink brings more AI tools to video and photo creators, and, Digital Photography, to, Fishkin, gadgets, gear
OWC unveils Envoy Ultra Thunderbolt 5 SSDs (Thursday, September 12, 2024)
Computers, Electronics, Digital, World, Computing, O'Connor, Consumer, Digital Photography, Larry, OWC, computers, tech, SSD, SSDs, Fred, Techstination, Ultra, OWC unveils Envoy Ultra Thunderbolt 5 SSDs, Consumer Electronics, Photography, unveils, 5, Envoy, Thunderbolt, Fishkin, gadgets, Other, gear
Smart lenses and bigger battery- GoPro Hero 13 Black unveiled (Wednesday, September 04, 2024)
tech, lenses, 13, bigger, Digital, Fred, Smart lenses and bigger battery- GoPro Hero 13 Black unveiled, Black, Techstination, Smart, cam, Photography, battery-, and, Digital Photography, Hero, GoPro, unveiled, action, Fishkin, gadgets, gear
What does FeatherSnap Scout bring to the smart bird feeder picture? (Tuesday, July 02, 2024)
What does FeatherSnap Scout bring to the smart bird feeder picture?, tech, FeatherSnap, feeder, bring, Electronics, Digital, Fred, Techstination, What, smart, the, Consumer Electronics, Photography, Consumer, does, bird, Digital Photography, picture?, to, Scout, Fishkin, gadgets, gear
Marking D-Day Anniversary with Memory Station from Vivid-Pix (Thursday, June 06, 2024)
Father's, Memory, Electronics, Digital, photos, Voight, Consumer, Digital Photography, memories, Rick, from, D-Day, tech, Anniversary, Fred, Marking, Vivid-Pix, Techstination, Station, Consumer Electronics, Photography, with, Marking D-Day Anniversary with Memory Station from Vivid-Pix, preserving, Day, Fishkin, gadgets, gear
Unistellar brings focus to smart binoculars (Tuesday, June 04, 2024)
Unistellar, binoculars, Franck, focus, Digital, Techstination, Unistellar brings focus to smart binoculars, astronomy, smart, Photography, brings, General Technology News, Technology, Marchis, Digital Photography, News, General, to, telescope
Ready for eclipse viewing? Help from Celestron. (Tuesday, March 26, 2024)
Help, Lance, Lucero, for, solar, Digital, viewing?, total, General Technology News, Technology, Digital Photography, News, from, tech, Ready for eclipse viewing? Help from Celestron., Fred, Techstination, astronomy, eclipse, Celestron, Photography, Ready, General, Celestron., Fishkin, gadgets, gear
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