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THYIM app designed to find helpers fast

Techstination feature for Friday, April 12, 2024

Techstination, your destination for gadgets and gear.   I’m Fred Fishkin.        Thyim is the name of an app that stands for They Help You In Minutes.   It is a start up designed to bring together people who need services…of all kinds…like washing a dog…or the dishes and such…with people in their neighborhoods who can do those kinds of jobs.   Co-founder Stephen Buffamante…

“Our company is kind of designed to provide services ala carte.  Where like cleaning companies exist, but you can’t be hiring someone just to wash your dishes.  Helpers see requests within a certain range of them and are able to get to you within or around 15 minutes.”

The helpers have to go through background checks when they sign up.  Thyim is initially available on the Apple app store…for customers in Michigan and parts of Georgia and Texas.     There are plans to expand from there.

You can find us at   I’m Fred Fishkin.

Categories: Online